Transforming an innovative solution to every tax problems

Accounting Service


We all know the usual tax season routine. When the time comes to file your year-end taxes, you do the last minute scramble to find all that paperwork. Isn’t it much more effective and efficient by recording transactions as you go?


Budgeting and forecasting your business is almost impossible without bookkeeping and accounting. Bookkeeping and accounting will help you make plan for your business. With historical data provided by bookkeeping and accounting, you may make planning for future purchases, expenses and even expansions.


Cash flow management will never be possible without proper bookkeeping and no business can stand the test of time without effective cash flow management.


With proper bookkeeping / accounting record, you will be able to evaluate the performance of your business. You will know whether your business is going stagnant, depreciating or growing. Proper bookkeeping/accounting will help you compare your present financial status to previous year records at any point in time. This will in turn help you analyze your growth rate. When you know the performance of your business, you can modify your strategies and long term goals accordingly.

Why HKW Consultant

With over 5 years of experience, we all know too well the importance of bookkeeping/accounting. But we also know how precious your time is to be spent on doing the regular bookkeeping. So why not use an expert on it? Here are some points why we think we will be the best bookkeeping/accounting solution for your small/medium business.